Category: magic square centers

  • magic square centers

    With magic square centers of all the evenly numbered magic squares, the latent potential for growth and development is found at their foursquare center. Every evenly numbered magic square is centered around four numbers. Jupiter starts the even numbered pattern, becoming the core of creation. Jupiter’s 4 x 4 Square starts the magic square centers…

  • Magic Square Growth

    Magic Square Growth is effected by their “Fibonacci numbers” : They are added successively to each other as 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233, 377, etc. Numbers develop into a ratio called phi; a.k.a. the Golden Ratio or Golden Section. natural growth becomes 1.618…in ratio when the larger number is divided by the smaller. Numbers reversed become 0.618…:Examples are 34/55…