Energy Event Sketch

Energy Event Sketch is depicted by the ancient Hebraic Tree of Life. A parallel between an energy event and this “Tree” becomes obvious on close examination. On the tree (right side), emanations one. two and three parallel the electron, proton and anti-neutrino. On the right, the positron, neutron and neutrino parallel emanations 4,5, and 6 on the tree of life.

Energy event sketch is by R. Buckminster Fuller in his book on Synergetics. On the right, the basic plan of the Tree of Life is logically trisected in strategic locations to bring on the similarity with Fuller’s concept of one quantum. Quantum refers to a particular packet of substance or energy in chemistry and physics. The energy is not transferred continuously but as discrete packets of energy. It corresponds to the minimal amount of energy needed for a transition.

  1. Quantum refers to a particular packet of substance or energy in chemistry and physics.
  2. The energy is not transferred continuously but as discrete packets of energy.
  3. It corresponds to the minimal amount of energy needed for a transition.
  4. Quantum energy concept is basically used to explain phenomena that are not explainable from a classical point of view.
  5. For example Photoelectric effect and Compton effect can be explained using quantum energy.

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