magic square centers

With magic square centers of all the evenly numbered magic squares, the latent potential for growth and development is found at their foursquare center. Every evenly numbered magic square is centered around four numbers. Jupiter starts the even numbered pattern, becoming the core of creation.

Jupiter’s 4 x 4 Square starts the magic square centers with 7,10, 6 and 11.

Add all the numbers from one to sixteen. The total is 136. Anyone familiar with ancient measurement immediately knows 1.36 feet is exactly one-half of a megalithic yard of 2.72 feet. The full 2.72 megalithic yard is found in this magic square as follows.

There are the two distinct ways to find 136 in this magic square: The first way is to add all the numbers from one to 16. The second way works with magic square centers mot only of this magic square, but with all of them: take the 4 numbers and work the multiplication as follows: 7 x 10 = 70, Then multiply 6 x 11. Next add these two products 70 + 66 =136. 1.36 feet is exactly one half of a megalithic yard.

For the second way, add the 136 cross multiplication total to he total of the sum of the numbers from 1 to 16. 136 + 136 = 272. We have the numbers of the megalithic yard of 2.72 feet used in holy sites worldwide. John Michell covers this fact in many of his works. External link: Megalithic Mile

Internal link: A “Magic” Square that Uses the “Magic Ratio” of Natural Growth

Here’s an internal link as a megalithic mile equals 2.72 English miles of 5.280 feet:. What is fascinating is the three letter root for the word, Hebrew, spelled ayin, veis and reisch also equals 272 by the ancient equation of letters and numbers called gematria.

Jupiter was the magic square of success in business affairs and all undertakings. Why not call on this magic square in all your ventures?






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