Numbers Ruled Philosophy

At one one time numbers ruled philosophy through the medium of geometry. Numbers were also thought offer a path to the Divinity. Numbers were even though to rule over geometry. Here’s parallel using this formula that exists between the square based pyramid and the octahedron as both figures contain eight lines.

Here is another example of how numbers ruled philosophy: A square based pyramid contains 1080 degrees as pictured above. Another geometrical model, an octagon, holds 1080 degrees. In the above picture is a regular octagon with 135 degrees per vertex. 8 x 135 = 1080

Does a regular octagon have an advantages to an irregular octagon? Yes, as the regular octagon has a clearly place and well-defined central point. The easy to find central point becomes the plus one factor found in all magic squares.

What is the plus one factor that defines the unity of all possible opposites? Take Saturn as the prototype. Any opposite two numbers around the perimeter total 10. For example, 4 + 6 equals ten; as does 3 + 7 or 9 + 1. We see the plus one factor is one more than the highest number on this magic square, nine. Combining any two opposite numbers on this perimeter makes then ten. Ten becomes the first great number of opposites. Perhaps it is not a co-incidence that there are ten Commandments in the Bible?

Evenly numbered magic squares hold four numbers at the center. Take that magic square of Jupiter as the prototype. 7 + 6 + 11 + 10 = 34. Opposite numbers are once more found around the perimeter. In this case they always total 17 exactly one-half of 34. Importance: Plus one denotes the unity of all with the one and central Deity.



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