Iron Co-incidences Were Everywhere

Iron Co-incidences Were Everywhere stretching as far back as the beginnings of recorded history, and most likely in pre-recorded history. Co-incidences occur through the medium of numbers. How and where? Through measurement in ancient units paralleling the atomic numbers inherent in the element, iron. Today we will consider the British Stonehenge and iron. Who created the parallels? An advanced ancient but then later obliterated civilization.

Iron contains, in the most common isotope, twenty-six protons, 30 neutrons and 26 electrons. The most common atomic weight becomes 56: as 26 protons + 30 neutrons = 56. By comparison, Stonehenge sports 30 Sarsen stones upright with 30 stones that rested on top. An outer circle holds 56 holes called Aubrey holes. At this point iron co-incidences become apparent.

Iron can also be identified atomic weight and neutrons. It contains 56 and 30 respectively. So why does Stonehenge call on the elemental properties of iron? Stonehenge is well known as being built as a solar instrument using properties or numbers from the magic six by six square dedicated to the Sun. Two circles interlock center to center whose diameters are 666 feet. Many writers have written of this fact. I recommend John Michell’s The View Over Atlantis in this regard. The magic six by six square contains the numbers one to thirty-six. When all the numbers are added they total 666. Ancients placed their own units of measure into their holy sites dedicated to various magic squares. My favorite antiquarian is John Michell. Internal link on Reviving Antiquity, : Music Explains Time Finally, in physics, when on a star enough iron is synthesized by fusion and then falls recedes into the core of that star, the star explodes producing the heavier elements of life. This makes dedication of solar Stonehenge with its depiction of the elemental properties of iron totally congruent. An advanced civilization? The answer is obvious.


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