Magic Square Prayer

Can there be such a thing as a magic square prayer? This most prominent prayer in Judaism skillfully calls on key numbers in magic squares.

Opening six words to the magic square prayer called the Shema Yisroel

13………………..20…..102………….. 20…. 541………………410. (When added, the sum becomes 1106). With this version of the Shema Yisroel spells the name of the Deity with a double yud. The above two 20’s picture the two times the double yud shorter name of the Deity that occurs with the prayer book (Siddur) spelling. Torah spells the Deity with the four letter name called the Tetragrammaton. Another aspect of antiquity is revealed with the numerical value of the four letter name of the spelling with sum of all the six words.

Numbers above speak words (called by the Greek name, gematria), here’s how: First consider number twenty by viewing the three by three magic square. First view even numbers in the four corners being two, four, six and eight. Evens partake of the quality called yin. Note, only two struts (line segments) surround each of these even numbers. Odd numbers, on this magic square being nine, one seven and three; sport three line segments around them. Odds become stronger or called yang for that reason. Five sits squarely in the central position. Five puts together yin and yang, and becomes the strongest position because it is the only number surrounded by four walls- holding the maximum possible!

Picture of how a Magic Square prayer draws on this figure with an illustration above.
Four even numbers, become 4 + 6 + 8 + 2 = 20.
Four odd numbers, as 9 + 1 + 3 + 7 = 20. Accounting occurs for the two twenties in the Shema’s declaration.

Five becomes referenced by the word in Hebrew for Israel. Geometry and the balanced numbers of magic squares freely interact through this medium. Israel, as you can see, contains a gematria of 541. One can be added for the presence of the Deity. Five hundred and forty, without the one, references the total number of degrees contained within a pentagon. Israel becomes a reality with the plus one factor of the Deity. Israel needs the plus one factor for its existence.

Magic square prayer to reference several basic magic squares




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