Torah of Numbers

Torah of Numbers stems from the doubling of letters with numbers by sharing the same symbol. The assigned name to doubling is gematria- a Greek word. As a word, Torah possesses a gematria of 611. We have a plus one factor here called by the name “colel.” Thus, Torah can also be expressed by 610 + 1. Why the plus one factor? I believe its purpose is denote the presence of the One God. Also plus one becomes the characteristic number of all magic squares. I also think that a lost civilization used these magic squares with the plus one factor. First comes the smallest, the 3 x 3 magic square where any opposite two numbers total ten.

Torah of numbers comes from “magic squares”. First, note any opposite numbers total 10. Balance comes in many ways through magic squares. Core number, five, numbers the books of the Torah; being the  books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. We see the +1 factor because the magic square only contains nine numbers so 10 becomes the plus one. Judaism embraces ten through the core 10 commandments given by the Lord. Again we find the plus one factor because the 1st commandment in the Torah is a statement of His identity: “I am the Lord your God who has taken you our of the land of Egypt.” This is not a commandment. In Judaism, the 1st “commandment becomes a statement of His Identity- the plus one factor known in magic squares as “colel”. All magic squares share this property, so ancients of lost civilizations thought that unity of and with God came through this medium.

Internal link: Duality

External Link: John Michell placed me on the path:






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