Embedded Egyptian Remen

Embedded Egyptian Remen can be derived by 2 formulas when you work the 3 x 3 magic square. Knowledge requires working less obvious obvious number combinations.

I decided to use the letter “P” to stand for perimeter. Three semi-obvious perimeters surround this magic square. Thus, perimeter one, perimeter two and perimeter three come into existence as P1, P2, and P3.

Embedded Egyptian Remen can be traced on the provided illustration below:

Ancients worked with groupings of numbers that balance called numbers squares and not numbers squared. Magic squares or number squares apply only to numbers set in a square so that any row has the same total. In the above square, all straight rows of three numbers , be it vertical, horizontal or diagonal- total 15. Even though these numbers are set in a geometrical square, the struts that house the numbers are really what’s important.

John Michell tackles the magic square riddle better than anyone else I’ve ever read. All his works are worth reading. I just took the subject further. Michell does not write about secret codes hidden within the walls or struts of these number squares; nevertheless, he sets a great background.

Look at the perimeter of the magic 3 x 3 square overlapping two numbers in opposite directions around perimeter-2 as follows: 49 + 92 + 27 + 76 + 61 + 18 + 83 + 34 = 440. Now going in reverse we still get 440. : 43 + 38 + 81 + 16 + 67 + 72 + 29 + 94 = 440. 440 has two more ways that it can be found. Future posts deal with this issue. By single numbers, perimeter one is simple 40. By double numbers its becomes 440. Finally, triple numbers overlapping the corner numbers yields 2,220. (492 + 276 + 618 + 834 = 2220).

For the last step in the process fill in these numbers for the three perimeters and then divide their sum by the 2220 number of perimeter three as: (P1) + (P2) + (P3)/P3 = 1.2162…taken as feet comes extremely close by number to the 1.2165 feet of to the Egyptian remen. Another formula for another post even hits the remen closer.

Internal link: Hidden Egyptian Perimeter

External link: https://www.innertraditions.com/author/john-michell/


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