Fission Magic Square

Could Ancient civilizations known a fission magic square – i.e. a magic square that’s all about fission? Here’s what one of their squares holds; the atomic number of the ash of nuclear fission, Pb (lead) 82. This is the 9 x 9 magic square commonly associated to our Moon. Its central number is 41. Opposite pairs of numbers by position, that is symmetrically distanced from the center, total 82. Examples are (6 + 76) or (27 + 55) or (20 + 42) or (2 + 82) or (10 + 72) etc.

Lead-82 is the ash of nuclear fission. Any two opposite numbers here total 82. Possibly magic squares could be more useful framing key points of chemistry than the periodic chart.

How does the fission magic square tie into the periodic chart? Those who are familiar with magic squares know that on occasion they can be more useful and illustrative for chemical behavior than the periodic chart and can sometimes make a fine substitute. At the other end we have the domain of nuclear fusion. It is well known that elements fuse on all stars, including our Sun, up to iron-26. Twenty-six lies in the domain of another magic square which will be the topic of a future post. Also magic squares bring out a relationship of fission to fusion that has never been noticed before. If one can enlarge the scope of their understanding as well as their point of view, then why not? Also note there are up to eight electrons in the outside electron shells that spin around the nucleus. Note that in the simplest of magics squares, the 3 x 3, eight numbers surround a central number. You can say the most basic magic squares set the pattern of nature in motion. Magic squares most probably have been usd by and advanced, ancient civilization that somehow was destroyed.

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