Gematria Net

Gematria net? First of all what is gematria? One symbol that shares both a letter and a number. Other languages simply say, we’ll let “a” equal 1; and “b” equal 2. Both ancient Greek and Hebrew do it with a single symbol.

Gematria net, as every ancient Hebrew letter has an upper case letter and a lower case letter as the same holds true for ancient Greek letters. The case of the letter does not matter- large or small, gematria is still the same.

Why does this matter? Genesis, with the first 1st word of the 1st sentence references creation and the net. Explanation follows. Survivors of a lost civilization wanted to be sure their way of life was never lost. “”Net” refers to nothing less than the magic square frames, i.e. lines that hold the numbers.

So what about the first word in the first sentence of Genesis and the the gematria net which would put forth translation, “In the net God created the heavens and the earth.” The Hebraic word for net is


which translates network, chain, grid, net, mesh, snare,. A close relationship exists between net and “in the beginning.” Note the similarity: Bereshit ( בְּרֵאשִׁית)‎ and רֶשֶׁת, The same three letters come in the same order being reisch, shin and tav. Even if you do not understand or speak Hebrew, you can with comparison by sight find the letters for net in the same order as “in the Beginning”. My post reaffirms the net interpretation of Genesis. Magic square number nets were used. Hebrew uses three letter roots for its primary focus. Most words are built from a three letter root.

Internal link: Torah of Numbers John Michell started me on my path which led to my discovery of the significance of number nets in creation.






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