Megalithic Yard Floral Bouquet?

Megalithic Yard Floral Bouquet? How is that possible? One concerns measurement, the other is about flowers. Math provides the answer.

Megalithic Yard Floral Bouquet is explained by the lily and the rose. Translation in the above depiction of the two flowers that came to symbolize five and six on the banner that has this motto from Latin becomes “by fire nature is renewed whole.” Also, five symbolizes yin and the animate. Six represents yang and the inanimate. The lily has six petals while the rose has five strong petals. Five is the key number of life that grows by the phi ratio. Expressed by the formula of square root of five, plus one in turn divided by two. John Michell gives the example of the hexagon or six-pointed star that all snowflakes typifying inanimate. Here I offer my external link to John Michell, my source for the above diagram:

As for measurement, the ubiquitous megalithic yard from antiquity. The 2.72 foot long megalithic yard made its way across the landscape of antiquity. How was it formed? By a simple equation involving numbers five and six as 5 X 6/5 + 6 = 2.72727272…It gave birth to the megalithic mile of 14,000 feet. Multiplying the 5,280 foot long mile by 30/11 (5 X6/5+6) we get the length of the megalithic mile of 14,4000 feet. Incidentally, my website deals with how the 528 numbers of the so called “English” mile of 5,280 feet was based on the musical tone “C”, one octave, or double the vibrations the ancient diatonic middle “C” of 264 vibrations/second. As for the zero, ancients did not consider zero a real number but rather a synthetic number made of real opposite numbers on the 3 x 3 magic square of Saturn. Example: 3 + 7 or 9 + 1 or 4 +6 etc. Finally, on the magic 3 x 3 number square, 15 can be found in a straight line in 8 different ways. It hides the 14,400 foot megalithic mile as 15 + 8 = 120. Squaring 120 as 120 X 120 = 14,400. Interconnections are what a long lost and peaceful civilization was once all about. Internal link (This website is free to access and study). Lunar Shema






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