Numerical-Geometrical Congruency

Numerical-geometrical congruency as explained in this post applies to an equality between the 5 Platonic solids and one of the hidden codes on the 3 x 3 magic square. The number that bridges this equality is six- hundred and sixty which becomes a shared number. This magic “three by three” square of numbers actually becomes the mill that creates the five Platonic solids, which will be dealt with more fully in future posts. An advanced civilization, like in the legends of Atlantis or Lemuria, once upon a time knew how this all operated.

Where is six hundred and sixty in the Platonic solids? Also what are the Platonic solids? Numerical-Geometrical Congruency between the magic square and Platonic solids is as follows: Square the side numbers of the five solids given below and add them as (4 x 4) + (6 x 6) + (8 x 8) + (12 x 12) + (20 x 20) = 660. Now where is 660 on the magic square? Taken either vertically or horizontal by two numbers at the time, the totals are 660. Horizontally: (49 + 25 + 81) + (94 + 52 + 18) = 330. Coming from the right side horizontally we get the same sum as (29 + 75 + 61) + (92 + 57 +16) = 330. Vertically: (43 + 95 + 27) + ( 83 + 15 + 67) Coming from the other side: (83 + 15 + 67) + (38 + 51 + 76) = 330. Finally 330 + 330 = 660.

(Internal link:

Fission Magic Square)

A Platonic solid is a kind of polyhedron (a three-dimensional shape). It has the following traits:

  • Each of their faces is built from the same type of polygons.
  • All the edges are the same, and all of them join two faces at the same angle.
  • There are the same polygons meeting at every corner of the shape.
  • The shape is convex, meaning the faces do not go through each other (intersecting), or span the same range (coplanar).
  • Triangular pyramid, or Tetrahedron, has 4 sides, is made of triangles, and is the simplest kind of polyhedron.
  • Cube, or Hexahedron, has 6 sides, and is made of squares. It is a kind of prism.
  • Octahedron, has 8 sides, and is made of triangles. It is a kind of antiprism.
  • Dodecahedron, has 12 sides, and is made of pentagons. It has the most vertices.
  • Icosahedron, has 20 sides, and is made of triangles. It has the most faces.


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