Megalithic Mile

Megalithic Mile uses combinations of numbers by additional and multiplication found on this Magic Square. Also very prominent in antiquity was totaling the number of struts found in each number square. These number squares were also called magic squares. Keep in mind the the phrase number square does not mean numbers squared. Numbers squared imply taking a digit or group of digits and multiply it by itself to get the product; whereas a number square is a grouping of numbers (such as below) arranged in a square grid where the total of any row of numbers always has the same sum. Here it’s 15..

Megalithic mile source: The ancient traditional arrangement of the 3 x 3 magic square, a.k.a. number square. The square also has numerous other ways to be arranged and still balance so that any row totals 15.

Where does the number 14,400 as the total of feet in the megalithic mile come from- here’s the answer: Eight rows of three numbers, can be pulled out of this number square: 3 ways vertically, 3 horizontally and two diagonally. 8 x 15 = 120. Simply square this total as 120 x 120 = 14,400. Why were magic squares used? Because they are balanced. At one time an long forgotten civilization realized that balance was the key law for survival.

Three vertical combinations from left to are 4-3-8 then we see 9-5-1 and finally 2-7-6. These numbers total 45.

Horizontal comes next in this description. First we have 4-9-2 and then, 3-5-7 followed by 8-1-6. Sum totals another 45. So far with vertical and horizontal we have 45 + 45 = 90.

Finally we look at the two diagonals. Diagonal number one is 4-5-6 and diagonal number two is made from 2-5-8. Forwards or backwards is all the same. New total becomes 45.

Add these three sub-sums together as 45 + 45 + 30 = 120.

internal link: Great Pyramid Mirrors the 8 x 8 Magic Square
New View Over Atlantis external link


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