Category: Fibonacci series

  • Shema Summons Mars and Mercury

    Shema Summons Mars and Mercury. So far we’ve seen the first six words of the Shema summoning the magic squares of the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter. But yet, the opening line of the Shema goes further. The Shema also calls on the magic squares of Mars and Mercury: Five by five and eight by eight.…

  • 620 Letters Bring Balance

    620 Letters Bring Balance to humanity by expressing the Ten Commandments. The Torah contains 613 commandments. Sages added seven to make 620. Bamidbar Rabbah 13:16 states these correspond to the 613 mitzvos plus 7 rabbinic precepts (or the 7 Noachide laws). 620 Letters Bring Balance. In one word and one commandment, balance expresses the essence of cosmic…

  • Magic Square Parallels

    Magic Square Parallels abound between two such squares of numbers. Five by five and eight by eight share many sums in a number of ways. As it is with the smaller number five in the Fibonacci series when placed in its magic square; so it is with the larger Fibonacci (8) when placed in its…

  • Uncertain Identity

    Uncertain Identity dominates the news; but not as it will be focused on here. So often artificial intelligence grabs headlines to leave many questioning what is real and what is not? This posts deals with how best to understand sub-atomic physics. Parallels between seemingly different domains are a good way to put this across. Today…

  • Fibonacci Five

    So what’s so special about Fibonacci five? Here are its beginning numbers in order of appearance in this numerical series that continues to infinity. Each number becomes the sum total of the previous two numbers after number one is repeated. Remember number “one” appears twice: We have 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987…etc. Five…

  • Magic Square Growth

    Magic Square Growth is effected by their “Fibonacci numbers” : They are added successively to each other as 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233, 377, etc. Numbers develop into a ratio called phi; a.k.a. the Golden Ratio or Golden Section. natural growth becomes 1.618…in ratio when the larger number is divided by the smaller. Numbers reversed become 0.618…:Examples are 34/55…

  • Letter-Number Symbol

    Letter-Number Symbol Can one symbol represent a letter and a number? Is it possible that at one time the same symbol represented both? Is it possible that this same system still exists. I’m not talking about numerology where we say let “A” stand for number one; I mean a system where “A” is “#1”. As…