Letter-Number Symbol

Letter-Number Symbol Can one symbol represent a letter and a number? Is it possible that at one time the same symbol represented both? Is it possible that this same system still exists. I’m not talking about numerology where we say let “A” stand for number one; I mean a system where “A” is “#1”. As a matter of fact, yes! A curiosity exists in the Hebrew, Greek and a number of middle eastern languages that is commonly referred to by the Greek word, “gematria.” John Michell introduced me to this concept:

John Michell with the letter-number symbol ideas became a major influence in my life. He lived from February 9,1933 until 24 April 2009. Michell became an esotericist and also developed the Earth mysteries movement. Forty published books on an array of different subjects are to his credit. John Michell advocated the  Traditionalist school of esoteric thought.

https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/city-of-revelation_john-michell/406086/item/43163232/? – External Link.

Internal Link: Twelve Inches

Once there were no separate symbols for letters and numbers. A number and a letter each shared the same specific symbol. I call the glyph a letter-number symbol. In Greece Alpha or “a” shared the symbol for #1. In Hebrew the letter for “a” and number “#1” shared the same symbol called “alef.”

Unless you understand the ins and outs of magic squares, this is meaningless. Why? Names for the Deity and key religious concepts drew on the numbers of these magic squares by what was called characteristic numbers. For example, here are the characteristic numbers of the 3 x 3 magic square:

Any two opposite numbers = 10
Any straight two of 3 numbers = 15
The perimeter = 40
The total of all numbers = 45
15 can be found in 8 different ways as 8 x 15 = 120. To the above 6 sets of 15 in a straight line, you can also add two sets of diagonal 15’s to arrive at the 120.
Finally, the core number is 5.

3 x 3 square of numbers




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