Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Tree Climbing the Tree of Life

    Tree climbing the tree of life requires knowing hidden codes that dominate the 3 x 3 magic square. Number 1100 offers access to both. So how do we come by 1100? Take these characteristic numbers of the three by three magic square and perform the following mathematical operations: (1) 1110 – 10 = 1100. (2)…

  • Hidden Triple Six is on the Tree of Life

    Hidden Triple Six reveals itself on the left pillar of the Tree of Life. Triple six needs a little decoding. By Wxti.two – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=88 We must call on the ancient art of gematria in Hebrew; i.e. where the same symbol represents both a letter and a number. The Hebrew word…

  • Geometry Tied to Numbers by a Repeated One

    Geometry Tied to Numbers by a Repeated One. A repeated “One” (referring to the Creator) by words graces the six words of the Shema Yisroel, explained in detail below. One also doubles itself in the series of numbers called Fibonacci: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34… Here a sum is made by successive additions of the previous two consecutive numbers.…

  • Shema Summons Mars and Mercury

    Shema Summons Mars and Mercury. So far we’ve seen the first six words of the Shema summoning the magic squares of the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter. But yet, the opening line of the Shema goes further. The Shema also calls on the magic squares of Mars and Mercury: Five by five and eight by eight.…

  • Shema Yisroel- 540 Factor

    Shema Yisroel- 540 Factor plus one is the numerical value of Israel when spelled out with Hebrew letters. Representing letters and numbers by the same symbol was called “gematria.”שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד. Each of the six opening words of this sacred Hebraic prayer calls on a particular magic square. Why the plus one…

  • 620 Letters Bring Balance

    620 Letters Bring Balance to humanity by expressing the Ten Commandments. The Torah contains 613 commandments. Sages added seven to make 620. Bamidbar Rabbah 13:16 states these correspond to the 613 mitzvos plus 7 rabbinic precepts (or the 7 Noachide laws). 620 Letters Bring Balance. In one word and one commandment, balance expresses the essence of cosmic…

  • Fusion Fission Code

    Fusion Fission Code is found hidden in the Hebraic Tree of Life. The tree points to elements of iron and lead for this purpose. Both atomic numbers and atomic weights are prominently displayed for each of these elements. All you need to know to figure this out is the position and numbering of the ten…

  • Magic Square Parallels

    Magic Square Parallels abound between two such squares of numbers. Five by five and eight by eight share many sums in a number of ways. As it is with the smaller number five in the Fibonacci series when placed in its magic square; so it is with the larger Fibonacci (8) when placed in its…

  • Lunar Shema

    Lunar Shema draws directly on the 9 x 9 magic square through number forty-one! In Hebrew letters and numbers share the same symbol. Number one and “A” in Hebrew uses aleph for depicted immediately below for both. English, by contrast, uses “A” for the first letter and “1” for the first number. The 1st word…

  • Ultimate Magic Square Prayer

    Ultimate Magic Square Prayer found in Deuteronomy 6:4. Each of the six words invokes the power of a magic square. Gematria, equating letters and numbers, makes this apparent. In Hebrew letters and numbers share the same symbol: Each of the opening six words, when the letters are added together, evokes prominent numbers on the seven…

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