Category: lost knowledge

  • Upper Left Corner & Gnomon of Shema Yisroel

    Upper Left Corner & Gnomon of the Shema Yisroel. Below we have the traditional three x three magic square. The picture separates a corner of four numbers from the remaining numbers, called gnomon comprised here of two edges, with five numbers. By using principles inherent in magic squares once used by a lost to history…

  • Perfection and More

    Perfection and More: Platonic Solids are the only five perfect solids that can be constructed. By comparing the ratios of angular degrees each solid has, these ratios translate to ratios of perfect musical intervals. The equation of these perfect musical intervals to geometrical figures is given immediately below; however, one comparison does not form a…

  • Judaic Vesica

    Judaic Vesica translates to “vessel of Judaism”- the same vessel used by religions throughout history. In Judaism it runs a line from the number of letters used in the Torah to numerical value of the letters used in used to write the Ten Mosaic commandments. Letters used to and still do double as numbers in…

  • Squaring the Circle

    Squaring the circle comes with the unexpected. It refers to magic squares and chemistry interlock in a most unique manner.

  • Zodiac: Letters/numbers

    Zodiac: Letters/numbers represent the dual function that symbols had in certain languages where the same symbol represented a certain letter of the alphabet and a certain number. English, on the other hand, uses “A” for the first letter of the alphabet and “1” for the first number. In Hebrew letters of the letters hei, vav…

  • Megalithic Yard Embedded in Torah

    Megalithic Yard Embedded in Torah depending on how the name of God is spelled in Deuteronomy 6:4 in the Shema Yisroel. Hebrew used exclusively and still does use the same symbols for both letters and numbers. Other languages have one symbol for a number and a different symbol for a number. Words that used to…

  • En Sof & Egyptian Remen

    En Sof & Egyptian Remen. Defining terms: Ein Sof may be translated as “unending”, “(there is) no end”, or infinity.[1] By contrast, the Egyptian remen defines measurement by units 1.2165 feet or 14.6 inches. A remen contains, by its very nature, a beginning and an ending. En Sof makes reference to the remen measurement in a numerical…

  • Music Explains Time

    Music Explains Time by a simple diagram and a little knowledge of the musical theory behind our Circle of Fifths. As you go to the right, from key to key (being one-in twelve part of the circle), a fifth is ascended. As in the example above, from the “D” to “A” on the outside of…

  • Magic Square Guides Planets

    Magic Square Guides Planets. The 3 x 3 magic square harbors hidden codes. These codes can open doors in the astronomical workings of our solar system. What is “Saturn by tens as the paragraph under the chart begins?” It becomes a key question in understand timing cycles of our solar system. Notice in the chart…

  • Tree Climbing the Tree of Life

    Tree climbing the tree of life requires knowing hidden codes that dominate the 3 x 3 magic square. Number 1100 offers access to both. So how do we come by 1100? Take these characteristic numbers of the three by three magic square and perform the following mathematical operations: (1) 1110 – 10 = 1100. (2)…