Category: magic squares

  • Squaring the Circle

    Squaring the circle comes with the unexpected. It refers to magic squares and chemistry interlock in a most unique manner.

  • Zodiac: Letters/numbers

    Zodiac: Letters/numbers represent the dual function that symbols had in certain languages where the same symbol represented a certain letter of the alphabet and a certain number. English, on the other hand, uses “A” for the first letter of the alphabet and “1” for the first number. In Hebrew letters of the letters hei, vav…

  • Megalithic Yard Embedded in Torah

    Megalithic Yard Embedded in Torah depending on how the name of God is spelled in Deuteronomy 6:4 in the Shema Yisroel. Hebrew used exclusively and still does use the same symbols for both letters and numbers. Other languages have one symbol for a number and a different symbol for a number. Words that used to…

  • Megalithic Yard Floral Bouquet?

    Megalithic Yard Floral Bouquet? How is that possible? One concerns measurement, the other is about flowers. Math provides the answer. As for measurement, the ubiquitous megalithic yard from antiquity. The 2.72 foot long megalithic yard made its way across the landscape of antiquity. How was it formed? By a simple equation involving numbers five and…

  • Magic Square Guides Planets

    Magic Square Guides Planets. The 3 x 3 magic square harbors hidden codes. These codes can open doors in the astronomical workings of our solar system. What is “Saturn by tens as the paragraph under the chart begins?” It becomes a key question in understand timing cycles of our solar system. Notice in the chart…

  • Tree Climbing the Tree of Life

    Tree climbing the tree of life requires knowing hidden codes that dominate the 3 x 3 magic square. Number 1100 offers access to both. So how do we come by 1100? Take these characteristic numbers of the three by three magic square and perform the following mathematical operations: (1) 1110 – 10 = 1100. (2)…

  • Hidden Triple Six is on the Tree of Life

    Hidden Triple Six reveals itself on the left pillar of the Tree of Life. Triple six needs a little decoding. By Wxti.two – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, We must call on the ancient art of gematria in Hebrew; i.e. where the same symbol represents both a letter and a number. The Hebrew word…

  • Shema Summons Mars and Mercury

    Shema Summons Mars and Mercury. So far we’ve seen the first six words of the Shema summoning the magic squares of the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter. But yet, the opening line of the Shema goes further. The Shema also calls on the magic squares of Mars and Mercury: Five by five and eight by eight.…

  • Shema Yisroel- 540 Factor

    Shema Yisroel- 540 Factor plus one is the numerical value of Israel when spelled out with Hebrew letters. Representing letters and numbers by the same symbol was called “gematria.”שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָֽד. Each of the six opening words of this sacred Hebraic prayer calls on a particular magic square. Why the plus one…

  • 620 Letters Bring Balance

    620 Letters Bring Balance to humanity by expressing the Ten Commandments. The Torah contains 613 commandments. Sages added seven to make 620. Bamidbar Rabbah 13:16 states these correspond to the 613 mitzvos plus 7 rabbinic precepts (or the 7 Noachide laws). 620 Letters Bring Balance. In one word and one commandment, balance expresses the essence of cosmic…